„HTML“: Abkürzung HTMLAbkürzung | abreviatura abk (= Hypertext Markup Language) Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) H.T.M.L. H.T.M.L. HTML Informatik, Computer und Informationstechnologie | informáticaIT HTML Informatik, Computer und Informationstechnologie | informáticaIT
„Stand-by“: Neutrum Stand-by [stɛntˈbaɪ]Neutrum | neutro n <Stand-by(s); Stand-bys> StandbyNeutrum | neutro n <Standby(s); Standbys> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) stand-by stand-byMaskulinum | masculino m Stand-by Stand-by
„Call-by-Call“: Neutrum Call-by-Call [ˈkoːlbaɪˈkoːl]Neutrum | neutro n <Call-by-Calls> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) llamada por llamada, call-by-call llamadaFemininum | femenino f por llamada Call-by-Call call-by-callMaskulinum | masculino m Call-by-Call Call-by-Call
„Call-by-Call-Abrechnung“: Femininum Call-by-Call-AbrechnungFemininum | femenino f <Call-by-Call-Abrechnung; Call-by-Call-Abrechnungen> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) facturación llamada por llamada etwa, ist in etwa gleich | corresponde a≈ facturaciónFemininum | femenino f llamada por llamada Call-by-Call-Abrechnung Call-by-Call-Abrechnung
„Stand-by-Ticket“: Neutrum Stand-by-TicketNeutrum | neutro n Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) billete de lista de espera billeteNeutrum | neutro n de lista de espera Stand-by-Ticket Luftfahrt | aviaciónFLUG Stand-by-Ticket Luftfahrt | aviaciónFLUG
„Stand-by-Modus“: Maskulinum Stand-by-ModusMaskulinum | masculino m <Stand-by-Modus> StandbymodusMaskulinum | masculino m <Standbymodus> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) de espera modoMaskulinum | masculino m (de) espera Stand-by-Modus Fernsehen | televisiónTV Informatik, Computer und Informationstechnologie | informáticaIT Stand-by-Modus Fernsehen | televisiónTV Informatik, Computer und Informationstechnologie | informáticaIT