German-French translation for "to wrap"

"to wrap" French translation

Did you mean WAP, Tb, toi, toi, toi or WAP-Handy?
[ʀɛp]Maskulinum und Neutrum | masculin et neutre m/n <Wraps; Wraps>

Overview of all translations

(For more details, click/tap on the translation)

  • wrapMaskulinum | masculin m
    Wrap Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cuisine et gastronomieGASTR
    Wrap Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cuisine et gastronomieGASTR
[vʀap]masculin | Maskulinum m

Overview of all translations

(For more details, click/tap on the translation)

  • Wrapmasculin et neutre | Maskulinum und Neutrum m/n
    wrap cuisine et gastronomie | Kochkunst und GastronomieCUIS
    wrap cuisine et gastronomie | Kochkunst und GastronomieCUIS