German-English translation for "dekretal"

"dekretal" English translation

[dekreˈtaːl-]Maskulinum | masculine m, DekretaleNeutrum | neuter n <Dekretale; Dekretalien [-lɪ̆ən]>, DekretaleFemininum | feminine f <Dekretale; Dekretalen; meistPlural | plural pl>

Overview of all translations

(For more details, click/tap on the translation)

  • decretal
    Dekretalbrief Religion | religionREL
    decretal epistle
    Dekretalbrief Religion | religionREL
    Dekretalbrief Religion | religionREL
pseudoisidorische Dekretalen
[psɔydoʔiziˈdoːrɪʃə]Plural | plural pl

Overview of all translations

(For more details, click/tap on the translation)

  • Pseudo-Isidorian (oder | orod -Isidorean, -Isidoran) decretals
    pseudoisidorische Dekretalen Religion | religionREL Geschichte | historyHIST
    pseudoisidorische Dekretalen Religion | religionREL Geschichte | historyHIST