German-English translation for "benzal ethylamine"

"benzal ethylamine" English translation

Did you mean Benzil, Benzyl or Benzol?
[eθiləˈmiːn; -θəl-; -ˈæmin], also | aucha. ethylamin [-ˈæmin]noun | Substantiv s

Overview of all translations

(For more details, click/tap on the translation)

  • Äthylaminneuter | Neutrum n (C2 H5 NH2)
    ethylamine chemistry | ChemieCHEM
    ethylamine chemistry | ChemieCHEM
Femininum | feminine f

Overview of all translations

(For more details, click/tap on the translation)

  • benzal group
    Benzal-Gruppe Chemie | chemistryCHEM
    Benzal-Gruppe Chemie | chemistryCHEM