German-English translation for "Primel-Gladiole"

"Primel-Gladiole" English translation

Did you mean Prime, Priel or Zweikomponenten-Primer?
[glaˈdɪ̆oːlə]Femininum | feminine f <Gladiole; Gladiolen>

Overview of all translations

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  • gladiolus
    Gladiole Botanik | botanyBOT Gattg Gladiolus
    Gladiole Botanik | botanyBOT Gattg Gladiolus
[ˈpriːməl]Femininum | feminine f <Primel; Primeln>

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  • primrose
    Primel Botanik | botanyBOT Gattg Primula
    Primel Botanik | botanyBOT Gattg Primula
    Primel Botanik | botanyBOT Gattg Primula
  • cowslip
    Primel Botanik | botanyBOT P. veris
    Primel Botanik | botanyBOT P. veris
water gladiole

Overview of all translations

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  • Blumenbinsefeminine | Femininum f
    water gladiole botany | BotanikBOT Butomus umbellatus
    water gladiole botany | BotanikBOT Butomus umbellatus