German-English translation for "Motacilla alba"

"Motacilla alba" English translation

Did you mean Abba, Alfa or Albe?
[ˈælbə]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Hirn-, Rückenmarksubstanz
    alba medicine | MedizinMED weiße
    alba medicine | MedizinMED weiße
[ˈalba]Femininum | feminine f <Alba; Alben [-bən]>

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  • alb (liturgical vestment)
    Alba Religion | religionREL Albe
    Alba Religion | religionREL Albe
Femininum | feminine f <Alba; Albas>

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  • alba
    Alba Literatur | literatureLIT
    dawn song (in Provençal love lyric)
    Alba Literatur | literatureLIT
    Alba Literatur | literatureLIT
terra alba
[ˈælbə]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Pfeifentonmasculine | Maskulinum m
    terra alba chemistry | ChemieCHEM
    Porzellanerdefeminine | Femininum f
    terra alba chemistry | ChemieCHEM
    Kaolinneuter | Neutrum n
    terra alba chemistry | ChemieCHEM
    terra alba chemistry | ChemieCHEM
bolus alba
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Kaolinneuter | Neutrum n
    bolus alba mineralogy | MineralogieMINER
    bolus alba mineralogy | MineralogieMINER
Lepra alba
[ˈalba]Femininum | feminine f <Lepra alba; keinPlural | plural pl>

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[kəˈnelə], canella alba, canella barknoun | Substantiv s

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  • Canellarindefeminine | Femininum f
    Kaneelmasculine | Maskulinum m
    weißer Zimt (Rinde von Canella alba)