German-English translation for "Hardware Zwischenspeicher"

"Hardware Zwischenspeicher" English translation

[ˈhaːrtvɛːr]Femininum | feminine f <Hardware; Hardwares> Engl.

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  • hardware
    Hardware Computer etc
    Hardware Computer etc
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Hardwarefeminine | Femininum f
    hardware computer hardware
    hardware computer hardware
  • Metall-, Eisenwarenplural | Plural pl
    hardware metal or ironware
    hardware metal or ironware
  • Schießeisenplural | Plural pl
    hardware shooting iron American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS slang | Slang, saloppe Umgangssprache, Jargonsl
    hardware shooting iron American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS slang | Slang, saloppe Umgangssprache, Jargonsl
  • Gesamtheitfeminine | Femininum f aller Geräte
    hardware all tools and household articles
    hardware all tools and household articles
Maskulinum | masculine m

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  • cache (memory)
    Zwischenspeicher Computer | computersCOMPUT
    Zwischenspeicher Computer | computersCOMPUT
transitives Verb | transitive verb v/t <trennbar | separabletrennb; -ge-; h>

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  • cache
    zwischenspeichern Informatik, Computer und Informationstechnologie | informatics, computer scienceIT
    zwischenspeichern Informatik, Computer und Informationstechnologie | informatics, computer scienceIT
    zwischenspeichern Informatik, Computer und Informationstechnologie | informatics, computer scienceIT
intransitives Verb | intransitive verb v/i

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  • cache
Neutrum | neuter n <Zwischenspeicherns>

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  • buffering
    zwischenspeichern Telefon, Nachrichtentechnik, Telekommunikation Telefon, Nachrichtentechnik, Telekommunikation | telecommunications telecommunicationsTEL
    zwischenspeichern Telefon, Nachrichtentechnik, Telekommunikation Telefon, Nachrichtentechnik, Telekommunikation | telecommunications telecommunicationsTEL
    zwischenspeichern Telefon, Nachrichtentechnik, Telekommunikation Telefon, Nachrichtentechnik, Telekommunikation | telecommunications telecommunicationsTEL
hardware configuration
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Hardware-Konfigurationfeminine | Femininum f
    hardware configuration informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
    Geräteanordnungfeminine | Femininum f
    hardware configuration informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
    hardware configuration informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
computer hardware
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Computer-Hardwarefeminine | Femininum f
    computer hardware
    computer hardware
hardware store
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Haushalts-and | und u. Eisenwarengeschäftneuter | Neutrum n
    hardware store
    hardware store
hardware compatibility
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Hardware-Kompatibilitätfeminine | Femininum f
    hardware compatibility informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
    hardware compatibility informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
hardware problem
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Hardwareproblemneuter | Neutrum n
    hardware problem informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
    hardware problem informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
hardware reliability
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Maschinenzuverlässigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    hardware reliability informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
    hardware reliability informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT