„Moloch“: Maskulinum Moloch [ˈmoːlɔx]Maskulinum | masculine m <Eigenname | proper nameEigenn; Molochs; keinPlural | plural pl> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Moloch Moloch Moloch Religion | religionREL semitischer Gott Moloch Religion | religionREL semitischer Gott
„Moloch“: Maskulinum MolochMaskulinum | masculine m <Molochs; Moloche> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Moloch moloch, thorn devil Moloch Moloch unersättliche Macht Moloch unersättliche Macht moloch Moloch Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Moloch horridus thorn devil Moloch Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Moloch horridus Moloch Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Moloch horridus