„Macisöl“: Neutrum Macisöl [ˈmatsɪs-; ˈmaːtsɪs-]Neutrum | neuter n Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) nutmeg oil, oil of mace nutmeg oil Macisöl Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR Medizin | medicineMED Pharmazie | pharmacyPHARM oil of mace Macisöl Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR Medizin | medicineMED Pharmazie | pharmacyPHARM Macisöl Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR Medizin | medicineMED Pharmazie | pharmacyPHARM