„Gasabzug“: Maskulinum GasabzugMaskulinum | masculine m Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) gas issue, gas off-take, gas delivery tube downcomer gas issue Gasabzug Technik | engineeringTECH Gasabzug Technik | engineeringTECH gas off-take Gasabzug Technik | engineeringTECH Gasabzugsrohr gas delivery tube Gasabzug Technik | engineeringTECH Gasabzugsrohr Gasabzug Technik | engineeringTECH Gasabzugsrohr downcomer Gasabzug Metallurgie | metallurgyMETALL eines Hochofens Gasabzug Metallurgie | metallurgyMETALL eines Hochofens