German-English translation for "Feldforschung"
"Feldforschung" English translation
The field research that we're doing around the world with indigenous peoples.
Die weltweite Feldforschung in Zusammenarbeit mit indigenen Gruppen.
Source: TED
Aramburú explains that in a field study in Ayacucho and Puno he found that:
Aramburú erklärt, dass er bei einer Feldforschung in Ayacucho y Puno herausgefunden hat, dass:
Source: GlobalVoices
In most cases the preparatory phase has been completed and the fieldwork is ready to be launched.
In den meisten Fällen ist die vorbereitende Phase abgeschlossen und steht die Feldforschung bevor.
Source: Europarl
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: WIT³
- Original text source: TED
- Original database: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
- GlobalVoices
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: Global Voices
- Original database: Global Voices Parallel Corpus
- Europarl
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: Europäisches Parlament
- Original database: Europarl Parallel Corups