„مرشح“ مرشح [muˈwaʃʃaħ] [-aːt] Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Strophengedicht Strophengedichtمحايد | Neutrum n, -liedمحايد | Neutrum n مرشح مرشح
„مرشح“ مرشح [muˈraʃʃaħ] Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Kandidat, Bewerber Kandidatمذكّر | Maskulinum m مرشح Bewerberمذكّر | Maskulinum m مرشح مرشح
„مرشح“ مرشح [muˈraʃʃiħ] Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Filter, Kläranlage Filterمذكّر | Maskulinum m مرشح مرشح Kläranlageمؤنّث | Femininum f مرشح مرشح