Slovak-German dictionary
Slovakia: dominated by the Carpathians

Two-thirds of Slovakia’s territory – the capital of which is Bratislava – is in the Carpathian Mountains. Its 5 million residents speak Slovak, but also understand Czech without any problems.
Basic rules of Slovak
Usually, the fist syllable of a word is stressed. The ‘dĺžeň’ (acute accent indicating a long syllable) is used to mark certain letters (á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, ĺ, ŕ), whose sound is then lengthened. Palatalisation in the Slovak language is identified with the ‘mäkčeň’ (caron used to soften the sound). The letters (ď, ň, ľ, ť) are usually pronounced with a ‘j’ after the consonant. In addition, these diacritics are used to mark sibilants (č, dž, š, ž). It is slightly confusing that the ‘mäkčeň’ is always written as ˇ for capital letters and small č, dž, ň, š, and ž, but usually as an allograph of the apostrophe ’ after small ď, ľ and ť. However, with a bit of practice, you’re sure to get used to it in no time! Our dictionary will help you in the process.
Look up words in the Langenscheidt Slovak dictionary on the go!
The right translation is always just a click away in the Slovak-German dictionary: be it from home, when working on a Slovak translation or whilst studying at university. You can simply look up words in the desktop version of the Langenscheidt Slovak dictionary. Those who prefer using a tablet or smartphone can find the right vocabulary just as quickly. The dictionary is user-friendly regardless of the device being used and is easily operable, making it an essential reference work.
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