Portuguese translation with the Langenscheidt online dictionary

The contents are updated and expanded regularly. The revision is carried out by experienced, native speaking German and Portuguese lexicographers.
The Langenscheidt online German-Portuguese
Translate German into Portuguese - for Portuguese translators and language teachers
Our Portuguese dictionary is your ideal everyday assistant if you have to translate German into Portuguese often. Our free dictionary is ideally suited for Portuguese translators, language teachers or language enthusiast for translating Portuguese into German or vice versa.Translation of German and Portuguese with technical terminology and everyday expressions
Both Portuguese technical terms as well as everyday language and Portuguese colloquialisms can be found in this dictionary. Particular emphasis is given to important areas such as medicine, technology, IT, communications, politics and economics. Everyday relevant areas such as music, vacations, leisure time, sport, food, culture, small talk and slang are also extensively covered in the German-Portuguese dictionary.Language variants in the online German-Portuguese dictionary
The Langenscheidt online German-Portuguese dictionary contains numerous regional language variants, especially differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese, but also the Portuguese-speaking countries of Africa, such as Angola and Mozambique. For German, the vocabulary and use of languages in Switzerland and Austria is taken consideration, as are numerous German dialects. Both the Portuguese-German and German-Portuguese dictionary contain numerous details about keywords, especially phonetic spelling, grammar remarks and information on linguistic use. Different meanings often require different translations. These are marked with short summaries or information regarding areas of use to help with differentiation. The Langenscheidt online dictionary Portuguese-German dictionary is therefore ideal for communicating in everyday life and in the professional world, for learning and especially for travelling to Portuguese-speaking countries.