Chinese-German dictionary
Why learn Chinese?

Although Chinese is a difficult language, the reasons to learn it are clear: China is a key economic power; the Chinese language continues to gain in significance. And those looking to make a good impression in a business environment can clearly set themselves apart with an understanding of this language, in comparison to those who only speak English. No doubt, English is still the number-one global language – but those looking to the future often pro-actively choose Chinese.
The art of Chinese lettering
Aside from its economic importance and its language, people also naturally associate signs and symbols with China. This is of such importance that there is even a specific artistic genre dedicated to Chinese lettering: Chinese calligraphy.
The Langenscheidt Chinese dictionary
The dictionary utilises Mandarin and is specifically tailored to the needs of German-speaking users. For this reason, all Chinese keywords, phrases and translations have been listed using both Chinese signs and symbols and the official Pinyin Latin transcription system.
Langenscheidt – the first-class dictionary for many foreign languages
As a top provider of dictionaries and a market leader in language learning, Langenscheidt offers a wide range of first-class language products and provides cross-media and mobile access to a world of more than 35 languages. The topics of “language learning” and “referencing” focus on innovative products such as intelligent learning programmes for independent learners, which can be adjusted to individual needs as well as dictionaries available in online and offline versions.
Searching for letters in the Langenscheidt Chinese-German dictionary
With the letters listed below, the user can manually click through the Chinese-German dictionary. In order to facilitate its use by a German user, the letters from the Pinyin transcription system are used here. This function lets you view a complete list of Chinese words. In order to view all relevant translations in German and the corresponding synonyms, you simply have to click on a word.